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Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day (United States)

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Independence Day
Displays of fireworks, such as these over the Washington Monument, are an example of the celebrations that take place nationwide.
Also called The Fourth of JulyThe Glorious FourthThe Fourth Observed by United States
Type National

The day the Declaration of Independence was first adopted by the Continental Congress.
July 4
Fireworks, Family reunions, Concerts, Barbecues, Picnics, Parades, Baseball games
"Fourth of July" redirects here. For other uses, see 4th of July (disambiguation).

For the 1996 movie of the same name, see Independence Day (film).

In the United States, Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Congress approved the wording of the Declaration on July 4 and then sent it to the printer. Whether John Hancock, as the elected President of the Second Continental Congress, or anyone else signed the document that day is unknown, because that document has been lost — presumably destroyed in the printing process.[1] Hancock's name and that of a witness do appear on the typeset broadside that was published within a few days. On August 2 in the following month, an engrossed document in script form[2] was signed by Hancock and other delegates.
Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, picnics, baseball games, and various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States, but is often also viewed as simply a summer festival, apart from its patriotic overtones.

JC - Nevton

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Alma Humana


A alma humana é um manicômio de caricaturas.
Se uma alma pudesse revelar-se com verdade
e nem houvesse um pudor mais profundo que todas as
vergonhas conhecidas, definidas
Seria, como dizem, da verdade o poço.
Mas um poço sinistro, cheio de ecos vagos, habitado por
vidas ignóbeis, viscosidades sem vida, lesmas sem ser.
Ranho da subjetividade. Eis a alma.

Sobre o(a) autor(a):Fernando Pessoa (1888 - 1935) nasceu em Lisboa/Portugal.É considerado um dos mais importantes poetas modernistas.Criou heterônimos famosos como Alberto Caieiro, Ricardo Reis e Álvaro Campos.

Poesia apresentada no programa 372

JC - Nevton