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Friday, December 14, 2012


Boa tarde prezados amigos,

A todos que acompanham o trabalho do blog , gostaria de terminar a semana com esse maravilhoso vídeo.

O final do ano se aproxima e é chegado o tempo de começarmos a planejar nosso 2013.

Analisando o ano de 2012 que se encerra, percebo que há mais e mais  pessoas muito preocupadas em chegar primeiro, ao invés de pensar em chegar juntas.  Tudo é muito complicado. Estamos nos tornando obcecados pela informação, pelo virtual e pelo efêmero, criando, sustentando e vivendo um mundo onde tudo é líquido e extremamente descartável. Esbanjamos individualidade ao invés de solidariedade.

Falamos tanto em sustentabilidade, mas não conseguimos ser sustentáveis. Temos zilhões de amigos virtuais, mas não conseguimos compartilhar um simples copo de água com o próximo, que literalmente está próximo, mas quem sequer sabemos o nome.

Ninguém é vitíma, pelo contrário. Somos nossos próprios algozes nesse cenário. Ainda não conseguimos definir bem se "ON OR OFF".  Porém,  fica a pergunta: quais são os valores que estamos cultivando para as gerações futuras?

'ON' ou 'OFF'? De que lado estamos? De que lado queremos viver?

Seguindo essa linha de raciocínio eu faço uso de uma canção da banda Casa das Máquinas, chamada Cilindro Cônico, que acredito retratar bem o que passamos nesse momento:

Cilindro Cônico

 Sempre o vento sopra mais forte
Pra quem não está acostumado com o frio daqui
Sempre o tempo passa depressa
Pra quem se interessa e vive mais um pouco aqui
Num tá fácil, é até difícil
Entender as coisas como elas são
É difícil ver tão fácil
Tudo é complicado, tudo é eletrônico
Tudo se resume num cilindro cônico
Tudo,tudo,tudo é complicado
Tudo,tudo é eletrônico
Tudo,tudo,tudo se resume num cilindro cônico




African Cats - Official Trailer [HD]

Hello Everybody, 

There it goes!  

The tip of the day is a trailer of an amazing documentary, which will never be aired at any Sunday afternoon. Even because not may people would watch it. It's a shame we haven't got this kind of program being watched. 

I'm sure it would help our future generations respecting the wild life and our planet. 

You shouldn't miss the other videos at the links below.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb8AeSh1rGs = The Chimpanzee
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lJfoEIrB9c =  The Ocean
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr-5AFucQPE = the Chrimson Wing Mystery of th Flamingos

Have fun and carpe diem!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

2012 News Quiz

English Banana an interesting source of material!

 Hello Folks,

The tip of the day is  an interesting and useful link to learn English.
It offers more than 3 thousand  free printable resources for teaching and learning English. The best is that all of them for FREE.


Have fun,


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Philosophy Now

Hello Folks,

If you are interested in ideas and philosophical discussions you have got at the right place.

 Have fun,

 Prezados Leitores,

Para todos os interessados em idéias, discussões filosóficas este site é fantastico. Na verdade, se trata de uma revista... Não percam a chance de dar uma surfada....




Christmas Season Listening practice

Friday, December 7, 2012

Okay? - Merriam-Webster Ask the Editor

Hello Folks,

Have you ever thought about the word "OK"?

That is an odd silly question, I know. You might think I don't care about it. However, that is an interesting matter.

Have fun with the video below and please, leave your comments about it.

thank you all and have a wonderful day,


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tecnologias educacionais, EAD e formação de professores

Olá Pessoal, Segue um slideshare abaixo da Carla Arena sobre as novas tecnologias educacionais, EAD e formação de professores. Material super importante. Espero que todos tire muito proveito do material. Obrigado a Carla Arena pelo material. Enjoy it,

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Consulte enciclopédias e bibliotecas virtuais de todo o mundo

Plataformas oferecem conteúdos em texto, áudio e vídeo em diversos idiomas fonte: http://catracalivre.folha.uol.com.br/2012/09/consulte-enciclopedias-e-bibliotecas-virtuais-de-todo-o-mundo/

Em março deste ano, a famosa Encycloapedia Britannica deixou de circular em papel e passou a atuar apenas no universo digital. Uma consequência do avanço da internet e da cultura de compartilhamento na web, que reduziu o número de vendas dos tradicionais volumes de 120 mil na década de 1990 para 8,5 mil em 2010.

Essa decisão tem sido adotada por diversas outras publicações tradicionais e bibliotecas oficiais, frente à feroz concorrência com as ferramentas digitais. Bom para os leitores, estudantes e curiosos, que tem à disposição conteúdos dos mais diversos campos do conhecimento de forma rápida e – na maioria das vezes – gratuita.

O Catraca Livre destaca abaixo as principais enciclopédias e projetos de compilação de informações disponíveis na internet. Nos endereços é possível pesquisar sobre literatura, cinema, teatro, ciências, entre outros temas. Oferecendo consulta gratuita em diferentes idiomas, as páginas reúnem – além de textos – mapas, filmes a até gravações de áudio.

Foi-se o tempo em que era preciso gastar um bom dinheiro numa enciclopédia renomada e pesada.

Bibliotheca Alexandrina – A Biblioteca de Alexandria está em processo de digitalização de seu conteúdo. A maior parte do material disponível está em árabe.
Encyclopaedia Britannica – Restrita ao ambiente virtual desde março de 2012, a enciclopédia oferece consultas ao conteúdo gratuitamente e também por meio de um serviço pago.

Biblioteca Nacional Digital de Portugal – O endereço virtual disponibiliza para consulta cerca de 24 mil obras em português e outras línguas.

Biblioteca Nacional Digital – A Bliblioteca Nacional tem um catálogo com mais de 25 mil itens digitalizados disponíveis para consulta.

Biblioteca Digital Mundial – Iniciativa da Unesco e da Biblioteca do Congresso dos EUA, o endereço virtual tem como propósito reunir conteúdo histórico de todas as regiões do mundo.

Projeto Gutenberg – Tem mais de 100 mil livros digitais que podem ser baixados e lidos em diferentes plataformas eletrônicas.

Biblioteca do Congresso dos EUA –A biblioteca digitaliza seu conteúdo desde 1994. No endereço estão disponíveis fotografias, manuscritos, mapas, filmes e gravações de áudio.

Wikipedia – Enciclopédia virtual mais famosa entre todas as listadas, reúne milhões de artigos em idiomas em inglês, francês e alemão e português.

Domínio Público – No ar desde 2004, reúne mais de 200 mil obras em português entre textos, imagens, vídeos e arquivos em áudio que – como o nome sugere – caíram em domínio público.

Perseus Digital Library – O projeto é especializado em material das culturas greco-romanas, mas também possui conteúdo de outros períodos históricos.

Open Library – Projeto que ambiciona criar uma página na internet para cada livro já publicado no mundo, já tem um acervo com 20 milhões de itens.

Internet Archive – Integrante da Open Library, é um projeto que tem como proposta armazenar todos os sites do mundo desde 1996.

Teaching English through newspapers | Macmillan

Posted By Roberta Facchinetti On August 27, 2012 (10:00 am) In language resources, Learn English, news

Our guest blogger this week is Roberta Facchinetti, who is a Full Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Verona. Roberta teaches courses in English for Journalism, and has published numerous books and articles on language, culture, and the media.

While teachers of English are increasingly taking advantage of online communication and new media in their professional activity, traditional media seem to be losing ground. In particular, newspapers are now exploited to only a very limited extent. This may be partly accounted for by the fact that the language of newspapers (in their print or online versions) is deemed too difficult for successful and effective language teaching; thus, when news-related texts are exploited, they are frequently simplified or abridged, so as to fit the needs competence level of the students.

But should we take it for granted that we need to simplify newspaper texts for students? Should they necessarily be abridged to fit the syllabus? In fact, I am convinced that newspaper texts can easily and fruitfully be exploited in their original, unedited form, for a range of language-teaching purposes, at all levels of formalized schooling.

Newspapers are a genre which finds its actualization in a variety of textual types, among which the most common are news reports, features, and commentaries (or editorials). These three categories are highly diversified in aim, structure, layout, and length. News reports tend to be the shortest, averaging between 200 and 300 words. Their structure is relatively simple, since their main aim is to convey information about an event in a straightforward way, by answering the traditional ‘wh- questions’: what, who, where, when, why and how. Typically, the main difficulty in news reports may derive not so much from the textual structure but rather from the specialized vocabulary of the topic.

Features and commentaries are often much longer, reaching up to 5000 words, and more complex in structure, since their aims are different. The narrative form of news reports gives way to the argumentation typical of commentaries, which may be either balanced or unbalanced, and which aim to convince the reader of the writer’s point of view on a subject. By contrast, features may aim at analysing, entertaining, expanding on a fact, and even – particularly for travel features – in convincing or persuading. Different aims lead to different ways of structuring the text – and this implies different degrees of competence when such texts are exploited in a language-teaching class.

Undoubtedly, if teachers intend to use texts belonging to any of these three types as a language-learning resource, they need to take proper decisions on the basis of the competence level of their students, since some texts can indeed be relatively difficult in their unabridged form, both from the textual and lexical point of view.
Yet, by flipping through a newspaper’s pages, many more textual types can be found that are lexically and structurally simple, including the following: advertisements, Agony Aunt columns, games, dating notices, comics, crossword puzzles, horoscopes, reviews (of films, books, music and so on), interviews, letters from readers, obituaries, weather forecasts, and notices of births, marriages, and deaths.

The relatively simple structure of these text types, as well as their brevity, means that abridgement is often unnecessary. This doesn’t mean that such texts are always easy to read, though their range of diversification is narrower than what you would find in reports, features or commentaries. So, for example, obituaries can exhibit emphatic and convoluted syntax, resulting from the desire to express positive evaluation of the person who has died. Conversely, readers’ letters may be written in a slangy, conversational style, and some may run the risk of being ungrammatical, since they are written by ordinary people and not professional writers. Finally, the Agony Aunt section may make great use of figurative language, because the journalist aims at convincing readers of his/her claims, often in a humorous way.

Despite this great diversity in style, all the textual types listed above tend to be lexically, syntactically, and textually less complex than news reports and, for the most part, than commentaries and features. So a discerning teacher can select from this wide range of textual choice the unabridged texts that best suit their students’ needs, depending on their level and degree of linguistic competence.

Article taken from Macmillan - http://www.macmillandictionaryblog.com

TEDxOjai - Jacque Fresco - Resource Based Economy

Language tip of the week:economic and economical | Macmillan

Language tip of the week:economic and economical | Macmillan

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cloud Atlas (Warner Bros.) 57 Release Date: October 26, 2012 Director: Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski, Lana Wachowski Writer: Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski, Lana Wachowski Cast: Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Doona Bae, Ben Whishaw, James D'Arcy, Xun Zhou, Keith David, David Gyasi, Susan Sarandon, Hugh Grant Plot: A reluctant voyager crossing the Pacific in 1850; a disinherited composer blagging a precarious livelihood in between-the-wars Belgium; a high-minded journalist in Governor Reagan's California; a vanity publisher fleeing his gangland creditors; a genetically modified "dinery server" on death-row; and Zachry, a young Pacific Islander witnessing the nightfall of science and civilisation -- the narrators of Cloud Atlas hear each other's echoes down the corridor of history, and their destinies are changed in ways great and small. Genre: Drama | Mystery | Sci-Fi Read more: http://www.movie-list.com/trailers.php?id=cloudatlas#ixzz27h9vUVej

Friday, September 14, 2012

what are you sinking? kkk

Hello Everybody!

That is good to be here... find below a video showing the importance of studying pronunciation.

Think or sink?
Thing or sing?

That is good question?

Have fun,


Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Power of Words—Word is bond!

Hey Ya'll,

I have come across with a video talking about the previous one about the Power of words.

I believe it will be a useful listening task. I will provide us a broader idea on the former video.

This guy gives us a bunch of food for thought.

Have fun,

The Power of Words

Hello Everybody,

This is a powerful video - about the power of words! It's about 1 minute long and worths to be seen!

Please, share the video, as well as thoughts.

Have wonderful day,


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Publisher's Round-up: Diversions? There are Eight

Publisher's Round-up: Diversions? There are Eight: According to the Southwest Airlines in-flight magazine Spirit , there are just eight diversions of note, but one of them is Language Log . ...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Slang & Idioms - 9 to 5

Hello Everybody,

9 to 5 is an idiom that means full time job. Have fun with the video and check the use of such idiom.

Street Language with "The Wire"

Hey Everybody,

Speaking English is not only about using proper grammar.
To use English effectively, you need to understand the culture in which it is spoken.
This is another interesting video for practicing the North American English usage.

Get used to the Baltimore accent, which is quite tough to be understood.

I hope you can understand what they are saying.

Have fun,


Are you an old hat?

Publisher's Round-up: Are you an old hat?: From Rachel Lee Harris’ Q&A column in the travel section of last Sunday’s New York Times : At 28 years old, Soraya Darabi is an old hat at...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In Living Color Win, Lose or Draw Season 2 Episode 17

Hey Folks,

Let's see ya gotta good English! this is a very funny sitcom called " In living Color Win, Lose or Draw.

I have got it from the www.urbandictionary.com

Hope you have fun,

C ya,


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mercado de luxo procura profissionais para ganhar de R$ 5.000 a R$ 15 mil

Juliana Kirihata - do UOL, em São Paulo - 30/07/2012 - 06h00

souce: http://www.midiamax.com/noticias/809388-mercado+luxo+procura+profissionais+para+ganhar+r+5+000+r+15+mil.html

“Oportunidade em multinacional de luxo. Desejável experiência no atendimento de clientes de alta renda”. Anúncios como esse têm sido frequentes em classificados e sites de empresas de recrutamento nos últimos anos. O mercado de luxo, previsto para crescer até 20% em 2012, ainda lida com a falta de profissionais qualificados, segundo especialistas.

De acordo com Thais Teperman, headhunter (caça-talentos) na área de luxo, moda e varejo da empresa de recrutamento Michael Page, a demanda pelos serviços no setor de luxo aumentou 50% desde 2010.

Na Asap, outra empresa de recursos humanos, o número de vagas disponíveis para esse mercado cresceu 23% no primeiro semestre deste ano, na comparação com os primeiros seis meses de 2011.

Para atrair bons profissionais, o mercado de luxo conta com salários atrativos. “Para um vendedor da área de vestuário, por exemplo, o salário pode ser de R$ 5.000, e é difícil colocar um teto”, afirma Paulo Bivar, gerente da Asap. Quem consegue chegar à gerência recebe entre R$ 10 mil e R$ 15 mil, de acordo com os especialistas.

O que engorda os rendimentos fixos dos vendedores e gerentes são as comissões e os chamados bônus por resultados, que podem duplicar ou até mesmo triplicar o salário fixo do profissional.

Candidatos devem ter “obsessão pelos detalhes”

Para conquistar uma vaga no mercado de luxo, a consultora de imagem Silvana Bianchini diz que o candidato deve ser principalmente, sensível. “Lidar com cliente de luxo é aprender a ouvi-lo para saber o que é o luxo dele”, diz. Todo mês, cerca de cinco pessoas contratam os seus serviços de consultoria no shopping Iguatemi, em São Paulo, e gastam entre R$ 5 mil e R$ 10 mil cada em roupas e acessórios.

Os candidatos que têm mais chances de crescer no setor, segundo os especialistas, são aqueles que têm curso superior, sabem falar inglês, têm liderança de equipe e visão de negócios. Algumas empresas também valorizam quem tem bagagem internacional, como um intercâmbio.

Idade e sexo, de acordo os recrutadores, não é problema na hora de conquistar uma vaga. "Não tem diferença, é um mercado extremamente democrático", afirma Teperman, da Michael Page. Mas, quando se trata de cargos para altos executivos, uma pesquisa realizada pela empresa de recrutamento Fesa aponta que 34% dos candidatos entrevistados para projetos de luxo têm entre 36 e 40 anos.

Débora Ganbaroni, gestora da MCF Consultoria e Conhecimento, acredita que além de serem atualizados, os candidatos devem ter experiência, conhecer técnicas de atendimento e ter "obsessão pelos detalhes". "Ter esse profissional que alie conhecimento teórico e prático é a grande preocupação das empresas."

Fazer cursos específicos também é uma indicação dos especialistas para quem quer se destacar. Em São Paulo, é possível encontrar, por exemplo, um MBA em gestão do luxo. Silvio Passarelli, diretor do curso da FAAP, diz que os profissionais devem frequentar, fora as salas de aula, cinemas, teatros e eventos. “Para mim, luxo é cultura. Acabou aquele tempo em que as pessoas compravam apenas por imitação."

Oportunidades fora do shopping

Lojas de roupas e acessórios não são os únicos locais de oportunidades de emprego para quem quer entrar no mercado de luxo. As empresas de recrutamento apontam o crescimento de vagas também no setor de serviços. “Neste ano tivemos um boom de novas grifes vindo para o Brasil, mas o mercado de luxo não é feito só de lojas de shopping” diz Bivar.

Para Passarelli, pessoas que sabem lidar com produtos e clientes desse mercado são procuradas em quase todos os setores, como lojas de automóveis, imobiliárias, consultórios médicos e clínicas de estética. "No mercado imobiliário, por exemplo, os corretores que estão acostumados a vender imóveis mais populares têm dificuldades em argumentar para vender um imóvel de R$ 5 milhões."

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Working with Vocabulary

Hello Everybody,

This is a picture of Bathroom vocabulary. It aims to help you with your English learning process.

A good idea to keep the words is using them while writing a jornal.

Have fun,


Oxford collocation dicitionary online


This is an interesting link, http://5yiso.appspot.com/ . It is an Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English. It is a very useful learning tool. FOR FREE!

A completely new type of dictionary that will help students write and speak natural-sounding English.
Level: Upper-Intermediate to Advanced
Key features
  1. Collocations - common word combinations such as 'bright idea' or 'talk freely' - are the essential building blocks of natural-sounding English. The dictionary contains over 150,000 collocations for nearly 9,000 headwords.
  2. The dictionary shows all the words that are commonly used in combination with each headword: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions as well as common phrases.
  3. The dictionary is based on the 100 million word British National Corpus. Internet searches were made to ensure the most up-to-date usage for fast changing areas of language such as computing.
  4. Over 50,000 examples show how the collocations are used in context, with grammar and register information where helpful.
  5. The clear page layout groups collocations according to part of speech and meaning, and helps users pinpoint speedily the headword, sense and collocation they need.
  6. Usage notes show collocations shared by sets of words such as languages and seasons.
  7. It is an ideal companion volume to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

Friday, July 20, 2012

What would you have done?

Hello Everyone,

1.Watch this interesting video and tell what would you have done?

2.After watching answer the following questions:

a)Where is the dog at the beginning of this story?
  • in the car
  • on a ship
  • on an airplane
b) Why is the man so happy?
  • because he wins the lottery
  • because it is a good weather
  • because he eats some delicious food
c) Why does the dog jump ship?
  • because it wants to swim
  • because it wants to catch its master's lottery ticket
  • because it wants to die
d)Why is the dog so sad when it finally meets its master?
  • because it is hungry
  • because its master is ill
  • because its master is with a cat
e) Who gives food to the dog?
  • a lady
  • a poor man
  • an old woman
f) Who does the dog give the lottery ticket to?
  • its master
  • a lady
  • the man who gives it food

Have fun,


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Usage about to

Hello Everyone,

The usage tip of the day is "about to".

About to is used to say that something is going to happen very soon without specifying exactly when.
A time expression is not necessary and should be avoided:

E.g: The concert is about to start

It means that it is imminent; The concert starts in five minutes, tells us exactly when.

At the following link, http://letras.mus.br/ac-dc/630/, you can find a music that will give you an example of such use of the expression "about to". It is a song of ACDC from the album "For those about to Rock"

have fun,


Three simple rules in life

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Usage: Accept and except

Hello Everyone,

These two English words are sometimes confused by native speakers. They sound alike but have different meanings.

Accept is a verb that means "to receive, admit, regard


  • Monique can't accept such a gift.
  • Peter was accepted to Harvard.

The noun acceptance refers to the "act or process of accepting, approval, or agreement."

Except means "excluding", "other than".


  • Karina bought a gift for everyone except me.

It is also a conjunction that means "if not for the fact that" or "other than."


  • I would help you, except I'm too busy.
  • He never calls me except to borrow money.



Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Usage: Adapt & adopt

Hello Everyone

Both words sound alike and have similar meaning, but be careful not to confuse them.

  • When you adapt something, you change it to make it fit your purpose:
E.g. I tried to adapt the recipe to cook a fish instead a chicken - what a mistake!

  • When you adopt something, you use it unchanged:
E.g. He adopted his brother's technique for dealing with rude people - He ignored them!

I hope it helps you not confuse them anymore.



Friday, July 13, 2012

Aprendendo a dominar outras línguas

Hello Everyone,

Segue link de uma reportagem que foi publicada hoje, dia 13/07/2012, no Jornal de Londrina.

O artigo trata da importância do domínio de uma segunda língua no cenário mundial cada vez mais globalizado, o qual nos permite estudar outros idiomas sem precisar cruzar oceanos, morar em outros países, etc.

Esse artigo fala um pouco do curso de imersão, oferecido pelo College Language Center de Londrina.

Para os que tem me acompanhado por longa data, esse é um pouquinho do trabalho que eu tenho estado envolvido nos últimos dois anos na cidade de Londrina junto ao College.

Temos recebido alunos de várias partes do Brasil. Todos que nos procuram para imersão tem o mesmo objetivo: acelerar seu processo de aprendizado estando imerso no idioma em questão.




Friday, June 29, 2012

Common Beginners Questions (Guitar Lesson BC-101) Guitar for beginners, ...

Good Morning Everybody,

This is a very interesting post to the ones, who have been into learning guitar. The video below comes from www.justingguitar.com

Justin Sandercoe is a London based guitarist, songwriter, performer, producer and educator who grew up in Tasmania (an island off the South East coast of Australia) but has been based in West London since 1996.

This is a very good way of practicing your English and learning guitar all at the same time.

By the way, talking about guitar I would recommend a very good site, which works on a special project that connects the world through music http://playingforchange.com/

My best wishes of peace for the weekend that is approching....

I hope you have fun with that.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Hello Everyone,

This is a great movie named EPIC. It is animation movie about a teenager, who finds herself transported to a deep forest setting where a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. She bands together with a rag-tag group characters in order to save their world -- and ours.

Have fun,

Monday, June 25, 2012

Google lança site para preservar idiomas em perigo de extinção

Hello Everybody,

Esse post é uma dica de uma amiga, profa. Perla, de Espanhol. Como ela diz realmente vale a pena divulgar.

Tenha todos uma ótima semana e um bom dia.

Site permite consultar e compartilhar dados sobre línguas que podem sumir.

Empresa diz que até 2100 existirão apenas 50% dos idiomas de hoje.

Do G1, com informações da AFP

Comente agora

Site permite consultar, compartilhar e adicionar informações sobre idiomas que estão sumindo (Foto: Reprodução)Site permite consultar, compartilhar e adicionar informações sobre idiomas que estão sumindo (Foto: Reprodução)

O Google anunciou na quarta-feira (20) o lançamento de um site criado para facilitar a preservação das línguas em perigo de extinção.

"A documentação de mais de 3 mil línguas que estão à beira da extinção é um passo importante para preservar a diversidade cultural, honrar a sabedoria de nossos idosos e dar poder aos jovens", explica o Google.

O Google pretende transferir a gestão do "Projeto Línguas em Perigo de Extinção" dentro de alguns mees para um laboratório universitário, o Instituto de Tecnologia e Informação de Línguas da Universidade de Michigan e o Conselho Cultural dos Povos Originários.

O site "Endangered Languages" (clique aqui para acessar) tem versão em português e permite que os usuários consultem, pesquisem e compartilhem amostras de idiomas que estão em risco de sumir. O site afirma que apenas 50% das línguas faladas atualmente estarão em uso até o ano de 2100. "O desaparecimento de um idioma significa a perda de informações culturais e científicas valiosas e pode ser comparado ao desaparecimento de espécies", diz o site.

O Google informou que este projeto recebeu fundos de sua divisão filantrópica, o Google.org, e convidou outras organizações a somar-se a este esforço.

Vale a pena divulgar!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have

The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have


If you have been thinking about practicing your reading you've gotta take a glimpse at the link below. It is an useful site to help you and your student to get into reading in a motivating way.

http://rong-chang.com/ - It is a free English as a Second Language website, It is a starting point for ESL / EFL learners who want to study English through the Web.

The site is updated constantly. It refers you to hundreds of other high-quality, free English learning sites and resources. You will find short stories with audio that will help you improving your reading and listening.

This is a sample of what you are going to get there:
Easy conversation - At a Restaurant
A: Let’s go out to eat.
B: That sounds like fun.
A: Where do you want to go?
B: Let me think a minute.
A: I feel like Chinese.
B: That sounds delicious.
A: I know a good Chinese restaurant.
B: How far away is it?
A: It’s only 10 minutes from here.
B: Do we need reservations?
A: Oh, no. We can walk right in.
B: Let’s go now. I’m hungry!

Have fun,


The story of stuff

Hello Everyone,

The post today is about an interesting word "STUFF".
Have you ever heard about it?
What is Stuff?

According to the dictionary http://dictionary.reference.com/ it means a material to be worked upon or to be used in making something: wood, steel, and other stuff for building.

You will find below an interesting video called "The Story of Stuff", which is one of the most watched environmental-themed online movies of all time.

1. Listen to the video and answer the questions:

a. What are the steps that form the materials economy?

b. Why can’t this system be linear?

c. Why does the Corporation look bigger than the Government?

d. What does she mean by “thrashing the planet”?

e. How many planets would be necessary to supply the US population’s needs?

f. What happens to the toxics?

g. What did the US do to get rid of pollution?

h. What does she say about the U$4.99 radio?

i. What did Bush advise people to do after 9/11?

j. What are planned obsolesce and perceived obsolesce?

k. What part do the media play in this system?

The story of stuff is powerful in its message and a consolidation of painstaking research into an easy to understand video. So watch and learn. The next time you buy something really ask yourself whether you need it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

What's in your fridge?

How about your fridge?

Yeah, that is exactly what I mean, What is in your fridge?

The word "fridge" is shortened and altered form of refrigerator, 1926, perhaps infl. by Frigidaire (1919), a popular early brand name of the appliances.

There you go some example sentences of use of the word fridge:
Place on a platter uncovered in the fridge to marinate.
  • There, in the entryway, he has a small fridge where the eggs are kept.
  • Also, see if your fridge seals tightly by closing the door on a piece of paper.

Find below some pictures to help you descring yours. This is a very good way of keeping us talking about our fridges.


Digital storytelling

Good Morning Dear all,

The post today is about story telling. I mean telling stories with digital technologies.

I have found this presentation at slideshare while surfing. It is inspiring!

Have fun,


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cláudia Barbero Rezende: Tabacaria

Hello Everyone,

Find below a good blog of a friend of mine Claudia Rezende.

Have fun,


Cláudia Barbero Rezende: Tabacaria

How to get right Writing results - FCE

Hello Everyone,The post today will help the ones interested in improving their writing ability to the FCE and CAE exams.Have fun,NevtonFCE Writing
View more PowerPoint from Shaun Wilden

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Easy come, easy go!

Good morning everyone,


The meaning of this idiom is pretty self-explanatory. It means that something that is achieved easily, is also lost as easily.

We can creatively use this idiom about areas other than finances.

Did you know?

“Easy come, easy go” is often used to describe people’s characters. Examples of this can be found in song lyrics by poopular singers and bands such as Bruno Mars (Grenade), Elvis Presley (Easy come, easy go) and Queen (Bohemian Rhapsody)!


A: I lost the fifty dollars I won at the casino really quickly.

B: Well, easy come, easy go.

This is a song of the king of the rock, Elvis Presley, from the 1967 movie.

Easy come, easy go

Here, there, everywhere, crazy love is in the air

Nightfall, mmm, day and nightfall

So many girls in every port
You gotta be a juggernaut
Full speed ahead or youll be caught
Oh yeah! oh yeah!

Easy come, easy go
Up, down, all around, kiss and kiss
And pound for pound, delicious
Mmm so nutritious
Sailor beware take it slow
Easy come, easy go

All right!

When you wantlove to keep youwarm
Theres nothing like a uniform
You got a port in any storm
There she blows

Easy come, easy go
Up, down, all around, kiss and kiss
And pound for pound, delicious
Mmm so nutritious
Sailor beware take it slow
Easy come, easy go

Sailor beware take it slow
Easy come, easy go
Easy come, easy go

And pound for pound, delicious
Mmm so nutritious
Sailor beware take it slow
Easy come, easy go

Have fun,
