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Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Power of Words—Word is bond!

Hey Ya'll,

I have come across with a video talking about the previous one about the Power of words.

I believe it will be a useful listening task. I will provide us a broader idea on the former video.

This guy gives us a bunch of food for thought.

Have fun,

The Power of Words

Hello Everybody,

This is a powerful video - about the power of words! It's about 1 minute long and worths to be seen!

Please, share the video, as well as thoughts.

Have wonderful day,


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Publisher's Round-up: Diversions? There are Eight

Publisher's Round-up: Diversions? There are Eight: According to the Southwest Airlines in-flight magazine Spirit , there are just eight diversions of note, but one of them is Language Log . ...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Slang & Idioms - 9 to 5

Hello Everybody,

9 to 5 is an idiom that means full time job. Have fun with the video and check the use of such idiom.

Street Language with "The Wire"

Hey Everybody,

Speaking English is not only about using proper grammar.
To use English effectively, you need to understand the culture in which it is spoken.
This is another interesting video for practicing the North American English usage.

Get used to the Baltimore accent, which is quite tough to be understood.

I hope you can understand what they are saying.

Have fun,


Are you an old hat?

Publisher's Round-up: Are you an old hat?: From Rachel Lee Harris’ Q&A column in the travel section of last Sunday’s New York Times : At 28 years old, Soraya Darabi is an old hat at...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In Living Color Win, Lose or Draw Season 2 Episode 17

Hey Folks,

Let's see ya gotta good English! this is a very funny sitcom called " In living Color Win, Lose or Draw.

I have got it from the www.urbandictionary.com

Hope you have fun,

C ya,
