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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Consulte enciclopédias e bibliotecas virtuais de todo o mundo

Plataformas oferecem conteúdos em texto, áudio e vídeo em diversos idiomas fonte: http://catracalivre.folha.uol.com.br/2012/09/consulte-enciclopedias-e-bibliotecas-virtuais-de-todo-o-mundo/

Em março deste ano, a famosa Encycloapedia Britannica deixou de circular em papel e passou a atuar apenas no universo digital. Uma consequência do avanço da internet e da cultura de compartilhamento na web, que reduziu o número de vendas dos tradicionais volumes de 120 mil na década de 1990 para 8,5 mil em 2010.

Essa decisão tem sido adotada por diversas outras publicações tradicionais e bibliotecas oficiais, frente à feroz concorrência com as ferramentas digitais. Bom para os leitores, estudantes e curiosos, que tem à disposição conteúdos dos mais diversos campos do conhecimento de forma rápida e – na maioria das vezes – gratuita.

O Catraca Livre destaca abaixo as principais enciclopédias e projetos de compilação de informações disponíveis na internet. Nos endereços é possível pesquisar sobre literatura, cinema, teatro, ciências, entre outros temas. Oferecendo consulta gratuita em diferentes idiomas, as páginas reúnem – além de textos – mapas, filmes a até gravações de áudio.

Foi-se o tempo em que era preciso gastar um bom dinheiro numa enciclopédia renomada e pesada.

Bibliotheca Alexandrina – A Biblioteca de Alexandria está em processo de digitalização de seu conteúdo. A maior parte do material disponível está em árabe.
Encyclopaedia Britannica – Restrita ao ambiente virtual desde março de 2012, a enciclopédia oferece consultas ao conteúdo gratuitamente e também por meio de um serviço pago.

Biblioteca Nacional Digital de Portugal – O endereço virtual disponibiliza para consulta cerca de 24 mil obras em português e outras línguas.

Biblioteca Nacional Digital – A Bliblioteca Nacional tem um catálogo com mais de 25 mil itens digitalizados disponíveis para consulta.

Biblioteca Digital Mundial – Iniciativa da Unesco e da Biblioteca do Congresso dos EUA, o endereço virtual tem como propósito reunir conteúdo histórico de todas as regiões do mundo.

Projeto Gutenberg – Tem mais de 100 mil livros digitais que podem ser baixados e lidos em diferentes plataformas eletrônicas.

Biblioteca do Congresso dos EUA –A biblioteca digitaliza seu conteúdo desde 1994. No endereço estão disponíveis fotografias, manuscritos, mapas, filmes e gravações de áudio.

Wikipedia – Enciclopédia virtual mais famosa entre todas as listadas, reúne milhões de artigos em idiomas em inglês, francês e alemão e português.

Domínio Público – No ar desde 2004, reúne mais de 200 mil obras em português entre textos, imagens, vídeos e arquivos em áudio que – como o nome sugere – caíram em domínio público.

Perseus Digital Library – O projeto é especializado em material das culturas greco-romanas, mas também possui conteúdo de outros períodos históricos.

Open Library – Projeto que ambiciona criar uma página na internet para cada livro já publicado no mundo, já tem um acervo com 20 milhões de itens.

Internet Archive – Integrante da Open Library, é um projeto que tem como proposta armazenar todos os sites do mundo desde 1996.

Teaching English through newspapers | Macmillan

Posted By Roberta Facchinetti On August 27, 2012 (10:00 am) In language resources, Learn English, news

Our guest blogger this week is Roberta Facchinetti, who is a Full Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Verona. Roberta teaches courses in English for Journalism, and has published numerous books and articles on language, culture, and the media.

While teachers of English are increasingly taking advantage of online communication and new media in their professional activity, traditional media seem to be losing ground. In particular, newspapers are now exploited to only a very limited extent. This may be partly accounted for by the fact that the language of newspapers (in their print or online versions) is deemed too difficult for successful and effective language teaching; thus, when news-related texts are exploited, they are frequently simplified or abridged, so as to fit the needs competence level of the students.

But should we take it for granted that we need to simplify newspaper texts for students? Should they necessarily be abridged to fit the syllabus? In fact, I am convinced that newspaper texts can easily and fruitfully be exploited in their original, unedited form, for a range of language-teaching purposes, at all levels of formalized schooling.

Newspapers are a genre which finds its actualization in a variety of textual types, among which the most common are news reports, features, and commentaries (or editorials). These three categories are highly diversified in aim, structure, layout, and length. News reports tend to be the shortest, averaging between 200 and 300 words. Their structure is relatively simple, since their main aim is to convey information about an event in a straightforward way, by answering the traditional ‘wh- questions’: what, who, where, when, why and how. Typically, the main difficulty in news reports may derive not so much from the textual structure but rather from the specialized vocabulary of the topic.

Features and commentaries are often much longer, reaching up to 5000 words, and more complex in structure, since their aims are different. The narrative form of news reports gives way to the argumentation typical of commentaries, which may be either balanced or unbalanced, and which aim to convince the reader of the writer’s point of view on a subject. By contrast, features may aim at analysing, entertaining, expanding on a fact, and even – particularly for travel features – in convincing or persuading. Different aims lead to different ways of structuring the text – and this implies different degrees of competence when such texts are exploited in a language-teaching class.

Undoubtedly, if teachers intend to use texts belonging to any of these three types as a language-learning resource, they need to take proper decisions on the basis of the competence level of their students, since some texts can indeed be relatively difficult in their unabridged form, both from the textual and lexical point of view.
Yet, by flipping through a newspaper’s pages, many more textual types can be found that are lexically and structurally simple, including the following: advertisements, Agony Aunt columns, games, dating notices, comics, crossword puzzles, horoscopes, reviews (of films, books, music and so on), interviews, letters from readers, obituaries, weather forecasts, and notices of births, marriages, and deaths.

The relatively simple structure of these text types, as well as their brevity, means that abridgement is often unnecessary. This doesn’t mean that such texts are always easy to read, though their range of diversification is narrower than what you would find in reports, features or commentaries. So, for example, obituaries can exhibit emphatic and convoluted syntax, resulting from the desire to express positive evaluation of the person who has died. Conversely, readers’ letters may be written in a slangy, conversational style, and some may run the risk of being ungrammatical, since they are written by ordinary people and not professional writers. Finally, the Agony Aunt section may make great use of figurative language, because the journalist aims at convincing readers of his/her claims, often in a humorous way.

Despite this great diversity in style, all the textual types listed above tend to be lexically, syntactically, and textually less complex than news reports and, for the most part, than commentaries and features. So a discerning teacher can select from this wide range of textual choice the unabridged texts that best suit their students’ needs, depending on their level and degree of linguistic competence.

Article taken from Macmillan - http://www.macmillandictionaryblog.com

TEDxOjai - Jacque Fresco - Resource Based Economy

Language tip of the week:economic and economical | Macmillan

Language tip of the week:economic and economical | Macmillan