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Friday, September 30, 2011

Managing People

Hey There,

The post today is about mananing people.

"Managing people is nothing more than motivating other people" (Lee Lacocca, US Industrial.

Step 1

Thing about the quote above and answer the following questions:

  • What is management for you?
  • What words can you come up with from the word "Manage"?
  • What is the importance of motivation in managing people?

Step 2
Now watch the movie "Managing people explained in 6 minutes" and discuss with your classmates the questions below:

  • What is a good manager according to Mr.Croft?
  • What does it take to be a good manager?
  • What is the difference of a leader and a manager?
  • What is the role of motivation on managing people?
  • What are the five why's in management?

  • Name some of the qualities of a good manager mentioned at the video

  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -


Write a short essay about "What makes you good at managing people"

Have fun

JC / Nevton

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stranded in USA

Traveling abroad is always challenging. This post intends to give you a brief idea about the procedures at the check-in and check-out area. It is an extract from an interesting movie named "The Terminal". Mr. Navorski is an eastern immigrant finds himself stranded in JFK airport, and must take up temporary residence there where he spends 9 months.

Step 1
  • Have you ever traveled abroad?
  • How often do you travel abroad?
  • Where did you go?
  • How was the first experience abroad?

Step 2
Now watch the video and try to answer the following questions:

  • What is the purspose of Mr. Navorski' trip?
  • Does he speak the language?
  • What exactly is Mr. Navorski doing in USA?
  • where does he want to go?
  • What were your overall impressions of this excerpt of "The Terminal ?"
  • How would you describe Viktor's character? What do you think of him?
  • Why Viktor is told by the immigration officials that he is 'unacceptable' ?

Enjoy it,


Friday, September 23, 2011


Hey Folks

Here we go again!

Do you know what collocation means?

"Tell me who you go with and I'll tell you who you are."

So, collocation is two or more words that often go together. Such combinations just sound "accurate" to native English speakers who make use of it all the time.

Therefore, if you want to sound natural and being more easily understood, it is an alternative and rich way of expressing yourself.

Find a list with the most commom collocations, which you can easily found at the following link:
Give it a try! it is a good collocation dictionary.


have a bath
have a drink
have a good time
have a haircut
have a holiday
have a problem
have a relationship
have a rest
have lunch
have sympathy

do business
do nothing
do someone a favour
do the cooking
do the housework
do the shopping
do the washing up
do your best
do your hair
do your homework

make a difference
make a mess
make a mistake
make a noise
make an effort
make furniture
make money
make progress
make room
make trouble

take a break
take a chance
take a look
take a rest
take a seat
take a taxi
take an exam
take notes
take someone's place
take someone's temperature

break a habit
break a leg
break a promise
break a record
break a window
break someone's heart
break the ice
break the law
break the news to someone
break the rules
catch a ball
catch a bus
catch a chill
catch a cold
catch a thief
catch fire
catch sight of
catch someone's attention
catch someone's eye
catch the flu
pay a fine
pay attention
pay by credit card
pay cash
pay interest
pay someone a compliment
pay someone a visit
pay the bill
pay the price
pay your respects
save electricity
save energy
save money
save one's strength
save someone a seat
save someone's life
save something to a disk
save space
save time
save yourself the trouble

keep a diary
keep a promise
keep a secret
keep an appointment
keep calm
keep control
keep in touch
keep quiet
keep someone's place
keep the change
come close
come complete with
come direct
come early
come first
come into view
come last
come late
come on time
come prepared
come right back
come second
come to a compromise
come to a decision
come to an agreement
come to an end
come to a standstill
come to terms with
come to a total of
come under attack
go abroad
go astray
go bad
go bald
go bankrupt
go blind
go crazy
go dark
go deaf
go fishing
go mad
go missing
go on foot
go online
go out of business
go overseas
go quiet
go sailing
go to war
go yellow
get a job
get a shock
get angry
get divorced
get drunk
get frightened
get home
get lost
get married
get nowhere
get permission
get pregnant
get ready
get started
get the impression
get the message
get the sack
get upset
get wet
get worried


TimeBusiness EnglishClassifiers
bang on time
dead on time
early 12th century
free time
from dawn till dusk
great deal of time
late 20th century
make time for
next few days
past few weeks
right on time
run out of time
save time
spare time
spend some time
take your time
tell someone the time
time goes by
time passes
waste time

Look forward to hearing your comments,

JC - Nevton

annual turnover
bear in mind
break off negotiations
cease trading
chair a meeting
close a deal
close a meeting
come to the point
dismiss an offer
draw a conclusion
draw your attention to
launch a new product
lay off staff
go bankrupt
go into partnership
make a loss
make a profit
market forces
sales figures
take on staff

a ball of string
a bar of chocolate
a bottle of water
a bunch of carrots
a cube of sugar
a pack of cards
a pad of paper

Coffee Maker Focuses on Freshness to Attract Customers

Hey There,

The post today is about one of the most-consumed beverages in the world, the coffee. Coffee is a brewed beverage with a dark, slightly acidic flavor, which is prepared from the roasted seed of the coffee plant. It can have a stimulating effect on humans due to its caffeine content.

Step 1

Think about the following question and try to talk about it with a friend:
  • Do you like coffee?
  • How often do you have some coffee?
  • Does it give you any burst of energy?
  • How's coffee seen in your region?
  • Is it important to the economy of your city?
Step 2

Watch the video and answer the following questions:
  1. Who is James Freeman?
  2. What was he interested in?
  3. What's Freeman primary goal in the coffee business?
  4. How long does coffee beans take to reach customers?
  5. What does the wave Freeman feel mean?
  6. What did Freeman do when he set up the company?
  7. What is the biggest problem of the company?
  8. How many cafes does blue bottle coffee company owns in both coasts?
  9. What is necessary to the company keeping up growing?
My name is James Freeman. I’m the owner and founder of BlueBottleCoffee company.I have no background in coffee or business. I was super obsessed with coffee when I was a clarinet player and I just took the plunge. I was sufficiently burned out and ignorant, I think, in order to not realize I didn’t have enough money or enough experience not to do it. So, ignorance is bliss sometimes.We place a huge priority on freshness. We like to get our coffee beans out the door into our customer’s hands within 48 hours of roasting, so customers know that everything they’re getting is really at its peak. It requires a lot of careful managers, ordering carefully, but we found we hardly waste any coffee at all. I feel like I was living in an alternate universe during the recession. And every time I would look at our shops, they were busier and busier, we were selling more and more coffee. I feel very lucky. I feel like it’s been this great wave that we’ve been riding.All I knew financially was my home checking account. I didn’t spend money I didn’t have. I started super cheap, I was really frugal through the whole process. When I started, I was in a 186 square feet, roasting coffee on a seven-pound batch roaster. And now we’ve got six cafes on two coasts, two roasteries, over a hundreds wholesale accounts.Our biggest challenge is definitely keeping up. Now we’re here in this beautiful building in Oakland, it’s really been helpful.We havetwo vintage roasters, and finally we can go home at a decent hour.You can’t run a company of a hundred employees the same way you ran it with twenty employees, so you have to build in a lot more mechanisms for communication.So like a long-distance romance, you have to work a lot harder. You have to call up, ‘Hey, honey, how’s it going?’I don’t think it pays to think about competition too much.If you think about what your goals are, in terms of your product and the success of your product, people will find you, I really believe.

To take the plunge – to make an important decision after some hesitation
Burned out - worn out or exhausted, especially as a result of long-term stress
Ignorant - lacking education or knowledge
Bliss - extreme happiness; ecstasy
To ride a wave – to have a run of good luck
Frugal – not wasteful or lavish
A batch roaster - apparatus that roasts a given quantity (a batch) of coffee at a time
A roastery - a business or enterprise where green coffee beans are roasted
To keep up - persevere, carry on, prolong
At a decent hour – not too late

JC- Nevton

What's the best thing about being a man?

Hey There

The post today was a suggestion of teacher Emily Tam. She's been around for such a short time, time enough to start contributing with a post, tough.

She wrote: "I found a video that can help generate discussions. The English is a bit fast, but they use some useful vocabulary in that short video."

By the way take a glimpse at the following links and get to know a bit about teacher Emily.

Class #2

Step 1- Discuss this questions:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a man?
  • supremacy?
  • promotion?
  • freedom?
  • Independence?

Step 2 - Watch the video and discuss what they say about being a man

It is a very interesting page which offers us a list of 100 best things about being male.

Useful language:
  • I think the best about being a man is.......
  • In my opinion the advantage/disadvantage about being a man is......
  • I believe (that).....
  • It seems that being a man is only adavantages/Disadvantages, but.....
  • What I’m trying to say is…. / The point is……
  • In my opinion ….. / The way I see it……
  • Basically…./ Essentially……
  • Actually…. / As a matter of fact…
  • Obviously…. / Clearly…
  • In general…. / Overall….
  • To put it simply…. / In short….
  • In a nutshell.....

Have fun and THANK YOU SO MUCH, Emily.

JC - Nevton

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Secrets of Success

Hello Dear All,

step1-Think it over:

What is success?
think about some successful people you know.
Why are they successful?
Why have they succeeded?
Is it because they're smart?Or are they lucky?

Step 2 - Watch the video and think about your answers

Step 3 - Now write down what you have done to be successful, as well as what you can start doing to be successful, to really achieve your goals.


"Bear in mind that you are the only one responsible for writing your story".

Best wishes,

JC - Nevton

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Live the language

EF - Live The Language - London from Albin Holmqvist on Vimeo.


This is Magic!

It was shot at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan. www.kaiyouhaku.com/​en/​

The main tank called the "Kuroshio Sea" holds 7,500-cubic meters (1,981,290 gallons) of water and features the world's second largest acrylic glass panel. Whale sharks and manta rays are kept amongst many other fish species in the main tank.

Take a look at Jon Rawlinson website. He is a filmmaker specializing in documentary and commercial production. Since 2002 Jon has shot and produced a wide variety of projects in a number of different countries.

Website: www.jonrawlinson.com

The music is "Please don't go" by Barcelona.
Barcelona's website: myspace.com/​barcelona
Download the desktop wallpaper: bit.ly/​19rTC5

Life is the art of drawing

Hey Folks,

I think every part of the video over. It is an amazing video.

Enjoy it,


The 2011 Overture: in 25 short movements from Amy Krouse Rosenthal on Vimeo.


Hello Folks

This is my story! What about yours? What have you been doing to write yours?


Friday, September 16, 2011

funny English problems

Hello Dear All,

I've got a great news for all of you. I have finally found a way of releasing videos here. From no on it will start being much more interactive.

Take a look at this video. It is a British television comedy show called "the sketch show". It aired on ITV between 2001 and 2003. A short-lived spinoff of the same title was produced in the United States.

Pay attention to the problem with English each of them has.

Have fun,
JC - Nevton

Friday, September 9, 2011

Visual Thesaurus

Hi Folks,

That is a perfect tool for the ones who want to improve the vocabulary.

Give a try and have fun!



JC - Nevton

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The pillars of the earth

Dear All,

The pillars of the earth is worth watching. A historical novel about the building of cathedral in England. It shows the development of Gothic architecture out of Romanesque architecture and the fortunes of the Kingsbridge priory against the backdrop of actual historical events of the time.

Have fun,


Thursday, September 1, 2011