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Friday, May 11, 2012

The difference: What does 40 Dollars Mean?

Hello Everyone,

It is good to be here with you all. Today's post is about money. I need to ask you what does forty dollars buy?

Think about it and check what you can buy with $40 bucks. Does is make any difference on your payroll?

After thinking about it go down and watch the video and check what president Obama has to say about it and answer the activity below.

1- A budget is a

a. plan for spending your money
b. an expensive exercise program
c. tax that all citizens pay

2. If a response is OVERWHELMING,

a. the people responding agreed with you
b. many, many people replied
c. the people responding disagreed with you

3. A person who MAKES A DOLLAR STRETCH tries to

a.help other people with his/her money
b. hide his/her money to keep it safe
c. make a little money pay for a lot of things

4. An inspirational speech would probably

b.make you angry
c.give you hope

5.If you know where someone comes from, you

a.know his/her family
b. understand him/her
c. saw them earlier in the day

6.The people on stage with the president want to

a. stop the payroll tax
b. re-elect President Obama
c. give money to poor people

7.If an email sticks out, it
a. can't be "junk mail"
b.is too long
c.gets your attention

8.In the store, fresh produce usually
a.is raw
b.comes in a cardboard box
c.has a lot of salt in it

9.The woman who came VIA Twitter is telling us
a. how (the way) she came
b. who she's with
c. why she's there

10.Folks are
a. professional workers
b. native storytellers
c. ordinary people

Answers will be given soon next week.

Have fun,

Cultural Window

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