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Friday, June 29, 2012

Common Beginners Questions (Guitar Lesson BC-101) Guitar for beginners, ...

Good Morning Everybody,

This is a very interesting post to the ones, who have been into learning guitar. The video below comes from www.justingguitar.com

Justin Sandercoe is a London based guitarist, songwriter, performer, producer and educator who grew up in Tasmania (an island off the South East coast of Australia) but has been based in West London since 1996.

This is a very good way of practicing your English and learning guitar all at the same time.

By the way, talking about guitar I would recommend a very good site, which works on a special project that connects the world through music http://playingforchange.com/

My best wishes of peace for the weekend that is approching....

I hope you have fun with that.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Hello Everyone,

This is a great movie named EPIC. It is animation movie about a teenager, who finds herself transported to a deep forest setting where a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. She bands together with a rag-tag group characters in order to save their world -- and ours.

Have fun,

Monday, June 25, 2012

Google lança site para preservar idiomas em perigo de extinção

Hello Everybody,

Esse post é uma dica de uma amiga, profa. Perla, de Espanhol. Como ela diz realmente vale a pena divulgar.

Tenha todos uma ótima semana e um bom dia.

Site permite consultar e compartilhar dados sobre línguas que podem sumir.

Empresa diz que até 2100 existirão apenas 50% dos idiomas de hoje.

Do G1, com informações da AFP

Comente agora

Site permite consultar, compartilhar e adicionar informações sobre idiomas que estão sumindo (Foto: Reprodução)Site permite consultar, compartilhar e adicionar informações sobre idiomas que estão sumindo (Foto: Reprodução)

O Google anunciou na quarta-feira (20) o lançamento de um site criado para facilitar a preservação das línguas em perigo de extinção.

"A documentação de mais de 3 mil línguas que estão à beira da extinção é um passo importante para preservar a diversidade cultural, honrar a sabedoria de nossos idosos e dar poder aos jovens", explica o Google.

O Google pretende transferir a gestão do "Projeto Línguas em Perigo de Extinção" dentro de alguns mees para um laboratório universitário, o Instituto de Tecnologia e Informação de Línguas da Universidade de Michigan e o Conselho Cultural dos Povos Originários.

O site "Endangered Languages" (clique aqui para acessar) tem versão em português e permite que os usuários consultem, pesquisem e compartilhem amostras de idiomas que estão em risco de sumir. O site afirma que apenas 50% das línguas faladas atualmente estarão em uso até o ano de 2100. "O desaparecimento de um idioma significa a perda de informações culturais e científicas valiosas e pode ser comparado ao desaparecimento de espécies", diz o site.

O Google informou que este projeto recebeu fundos de sua divisão filantrópica, o Google.org, e convidou outras organizações a somar-se a este esforço.

Vale a pena divulgar!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have

The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have


If you have been thinking about practicing your reading you've gotta take a glimpse at the link below. It is an useful site to help you and your student to get into reading in a motivating way.

http://rong-chang.com/ - It is a free English as a Second Language website, It is a starting point for ESL / EFL learners who want to study English through the Web.

The site is updated constantly. It refers you to hundreds of other high-quality, free English learning sites and resources. You will find short stories with audio that will help you improving your reading and listening.

This is a sample of what you are going to get there:
Easy conversation - At a Restaurant
A: Let’s go out to eat.
B: That sounds like fun.
A: Where do you want to go?
B: Let me think a minute.
A: I feel like Chinese.
B: That sounds delicious.
A: I know a good Chinese restaurant.
B: How far away is it?
A: It’s only 10 minutes from here.
B: Do we need reservations?
A: Oh, no. We can walk right in.
B: Let’s go now. I’m hungry!

Have fun,


The story of stuff

Hello Everyone,

The post today is about an interesting word "STUFF".
Have you ever heard about it?
What is Stuff?

According to the dictionary http://dictionary.reference.com/ it means a material to be worked upon or to be used in making something: wood, steel, and other stuff for building.

You will find below an interesting video called "The Story of Stuff", which is one of the most watched environmental-themed online movies of all time.

1. Listen to the video and answer the questions:

a. What are the steps that form the materials economy?

b. Why can’t this system be linear?

c. Why does the Corporation look bigger than the Government?

d. What does she mean by “thrashing the planet”?

e. How many planets would be necessary to supply the US population’s needs?

f. What happens to the toxics?

g. What did the US do to get rid of pollution?

h. What does she say about the U$4.99 radio?

i. What did Bush advise people to do after 9/11?

j. What are planned obsolesce and perceived obsolesce?

k. What part do the media play in this system?

The story of stuff is powerful in its message and a consolidation of painstaking research into an easy to understand video. So watch and learn. The next time you buy something really ask yourself whether you need it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

What's in your fridge?

How about your fridge?

Yeah, that is exactly what I mean, What is in your fridge?

The word "fridge" is shortened and altered form of refrigerator, 1926, perhaps infl. by Frigidaire (1919), a popular early brand name of the appliances.

There you go some example sentences of use of the word fridge:
Place on a platter uncovered in the fridge to marinate.
  • There, in the entryway, he has a small fridge where the eggs are kept.
  • Also, see if your fridge seals tightly by closing the door on a piece of paper.

Find below some pictures to help you descring yours. This is a very good way of keeping us talking about our fridges.


Digital storytelling

Good Morning Dear all,

The post today is about story telling. I mean telling stories with digital technologies.

I have found this presentation at slideshare while surfing. It is inspiring!

Have fun,


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cláudia Barbero Rezende: Tabacaria

Hello Everyone,

Find below a good blog of a friend of mine Claudia Rezende.

Have fun,


Cláudia Barbero Rezende: Tabacaria

How to get right Writing results - FCE

Hello Everyone,The post today will help the ones interested in improving their writing ability to the FCE and CAE exams.Have fun,NevtonFCE Writing
View more PowerPoint from Shaun Wilden

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Easy come, easy go!

Good morning everyone,


The meaning of this idiom is pretty self-explanatory. It means that something that is achieved easily, is also lost as easily.

We can creatively use this idiom about areas other than finances.

Did you know?

“Easy come, easy go” is often used to describe people’s characters. Examples of this can be found in song lyrics by poopular singers and bands such as Bruno Mars (Grenade), Elvis Presley (Easy come, easy go) and Queen (Bohemian Rhapsody)!


A: I lost the fifty dollars I won at the casino really quickly.

B: Well, easy come, easy go.

This is a song of the king of the rock, Elvis Presley, from the 1967 movie.

Easy come, easy go

Here, there, everywhere, crazy love is in the air

Nightfall, mmm, day and nightfall

So many girls in every port
You gotta be a juggernaut
Full speed ahead or youll be caught
Oh yeah! oh yeah!

Easy come, easy go
Up, down, all around, kiss and kiss
And pound for pound, delicious
Mmm so nutritious
Sailor beware take it slow
Easy come, easy go

All right!

When you wantlove to keep youwarm
Theres nothing like a uniform
You got a port in any storm
There she blows

Easy come, easy go
Up, down, all around, kiss and kiss
And pound for pound, delicious
Mmm so nutritious
Sailor beware take it slow
Easy come, easy go

Sailor beware take it slow
Easy come, easy go
Easy come, easy go

And pound for pound, delicious
Mmm so nutritious
Sailor beware take it slow
Easy come, easy go

Have fun,


Sunday, June 3, 2012

To or For?

Good Morning everybody!

I have been asked for all my students, by the way, "for all my students or to all my student"?

Well, they have asked me - what is correct "to" or "for"?

Therefore, find below a simple explanation with some examples:

· TO is used with verbs in the infinitive

(e.g. the verb "to be").

· It is also used in cases where a "transfer" happens.

Ex. I will give this book to you. (from me to you)

I will go to work. (from home to work)

I will talk to her. (information goes from me to her)

· FOR is used in the following situations:

- for the benefit of

Ex. I will do that for you.

- purpose

Ex. This brush is for painting.

Here is an example with both:

Give this book to him but it is for his father.


I will speak to her for you.

Provavelmente, você esteja se perguntando o porquê isso é tão difícil. Quando se trata de preposição em inglês, o assunto exige dedicação nos estudos e muita prática. A dica que fica é: seja um bom observador. Sempre que tiver que usar uma dessas palavras, é muito importante prestar atenção as palavras que estão perto delas, isso é analise o contexto.

Segue algumas expressões que devem ser memorizadas:

  • be nice to someone (ser gentil com alguém)

  • explain something to someone (explicar algo para alguém)

  • carry something for someone (carregar algo para alguém)

  • be responsible for something (ser responsável por algo)




Good Morning Everyone,

Nesse momento começo também a escrever em português, para aqueles que ainda tem dificuldade de ler em inglês.

Está publicação é uma dica de um bom filme. A todos que estão estudando inglês, que queiram praticar sua leitura, ai vai um boa dica. O áudio do filme é em francês, porém a legenda é em inglês, ótimo para praticarem "reading"(leitura).

O filme é ambientado em Paris, trata da história de um gato chamado dino, que leva vida dupla. De dia, ele vive como Zoe, uma menina cuja mãe, Jeanne, é uma policial. A noite, Zoe trabalha com Nico, uma assaltante com grande coração. Zoe mergulha em silêncio após o assassinato de seu pai nas mãos do gangster Costa. Um dia, o gato Dino traz para Zoe um bracelete, muito valioso.
Lucas, Jeanne a segunda no comando, percebe que este bracelete é parte de uma coleção de jóias que foi roubada.

Então,uma noite, Zoe decide seguir Dino. No caminho, ela ouve alguns bandidos e descobre que sua babá faz parte da equipe dos mafiosos...

Com certeza um bom filme....

Have fun and have a blessed weekend,


Friday, June 1, 2012

Simple present practice

HEllo Everyone,

Find a simple present lesson. I have come across this video and decided to post it and maybe help you with your simple present study.

Have fun,
